Recent News

Development version: GIMP 2.99.14 Released

Release news for development version GIMP 2.99.14

Conference “GIMP and ZeMarmot” in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy (France)

Talk about GIMP and the sister project ZeMarmot in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

Revival of the GIMP developer website

Revival of the GIMP developer website

Development version: GIMP 2.99.12 Released

Release news for development version GIMP 2.99.12

GIMP 2.10.32 is on the Microsoft Store!

GIMP is officially distributed on the Microsoft Store

GIMP 2.10.32 Released

Release news for version GIMP 2.10.32

GSoC 2022 project announced: CMYK features

CMYK features will be added to GIMP as part of the Google Summer of Code 2022 program

GIMP is a GSoC 2022 mentor organization

GIMP has been accepted as Google Summer of Code 2022 mentor organization

Development version: GIMP 2.99.10 Released

Release news for development version GIMP 2.99.10

2021 annual report

What happened in 2021?

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